Monday, July 17, 2006

A Troll Doll Jingle

Just so Cape Harmony can remember this forever and ever:

(To be sung to the tune of "What's Going On?" by the Four Non-Blondes)

"In 25 years I'll be 30 years old,
I'm 5, and I'm sitting here, playing with this troll,
this troll that I got for Christmas.
And so I play with his shirt and I play with his hair,
I'm gonna play with my friend so I'll put you right there and I, I'll be back,
I'll be back in a minute.
But when I come back around my troll is not there
and I remember his shirt, and his long pink hair
and I scream at the top of my lungs:
And I say heyyyeahhhyeahhheyhey, heyyyeahhhyeahh, I said hey,
my troll is gone."


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