Monday, July 17, 2006

Kidney Stones Are No Fun

Sorry about the lack of blogging, folks. This kidney stone doesn't seem to want to leave me alone and I have been laying in bed trying to send the stone telepathic messages, trying to convince it to leave. Due to the failure of this technique, I am going back to CT on Wednesday afternoon to have a Doctors appointment. However, I will be meeting up with the girls on Saturday in East Providence to perform at Jocelyn's family's summer picnic. That means I'll be missing Thursday's street fair performance...but I know the girls will do an amazing job. We have just added two new songs to our repetoire, "Under the Boardwalk" with Jenn as the soloist, and "Fever", with Jocelyn and Yours Truly as a duet!

We had a fantastic show last Saturday in Buzzard's Bay. We had a GREAT turn out, and a fabulous audience.

It was during the show that I had to take a deep breath, look around myself, and realize that I was part of an amazing group of girls. We have come so far...and I have never been more proud of a group of girls in my entire life. The nine of us took a huge risk by dropping our normal lives and forming this group. I have never for one second regretted coming here and being part of this experience. I think what I am most proud of is that everyone is here for the music. Everyone is here for the four hour daily rehearsals, the shows, the audiences, the fans. It isn't, and never will be, about the money. All of us get up and go to work. We work in retail. We work in restaurants. We work at banks. We deal with customers all day long and come home to a hot, sticky house full of nine girls and sing well into the night. We go to bed, get up bright and early, and do it all over again. It would be a lie to tell you that none of us are struggling. But I think that is what makes it so beautiful. I think it is the struggle that makes it worth it, that makes us appreciate a smiling, cheering audience. I know that this group will never lose that appreciation. And that makes me so unbelievably proud to call myself a member of Cape Harmony.

I love you, girls.


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